Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Questions on Blogs

-What is a blog? A blog is a public personal journal on the Web. Blogs are usually displayed in reverse chronological order to the reader and in a journal or log format.

What's the difference between a blog and a webpage?  Webpage: A lot of information and download things.  Blog: Interact with the public and receive comments. Updated more frequently than webpages. More personal.

What are the advantages of using a blog? Blogs are more personal and the person who writes it can be closer to the public audience whther it is by their opinion about the information displayed or contributions they make in the comments section.

What is the origin of the word blog? G. Raikundalia and M. Rees were the first to use the term blog in a paper called "Exploiting the World-Wide Web for Electronic Meeting Document Analysis and Management." Jorn Barger defined weblog as logging the Web. In 1999 Peter Merholz shortened the term to blog.

What does blogosphere mean? It means the community of blogs, all the blogs and the "world of blogs".

What do you call someone who blogs? A blogger.

What do you have to do if you want to write a blog? Create an account with your email. Then you have to update the blog with new posts. There are many free blogging services you can use to create your blog: 
AOL Hometown / AOL Journals (America Online, Inc.), ( Inc.), Blogger (Google), LiveJournal (Six Apart), MySpace (News Corporation), Open Diary (The Open Diary), Windows Live Spaces / MSN Spaces (Microsoft).

Do you need a special program on a computer to write blogs?
 You need some HTML knowledge and a place to host the Weblog.

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    When were blogs first created? 
    In the decade of the 2000. When the web 2.0 was developed you were able to write INTO the internet. These were called web logs > blogs. Google then adapted a blogging service called Bloger. It is one of the major features that Google has.

-What is the meaning of blog? It is a play on the words web and log since it is a journal on the internet.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


-What is moodle? Moodle is a project designed to give education tools to promote learning. It is a plaform that teachers can use to extend their teaching outside of the classroom.
-What does moodle stand for? Moodle is an acronym that stands for "Modular Object-Orinted Dynamic Learning Environment"
-Is it a web site, a blog, a wiki, a social network? Explain... It is a free software e-learning platform which in other words can be defined as a Learning Management System or a Virtual Learning Environment. It is sort of a combination of all of the above.
-What is it used for and why is that? It is used to extendend education out of the classroom by both teachers and students. teachers can post news, assignments, important documents, and also design online quizzes for the students. It is used for all this and much more because it is easy to access, and it is a community project that all students in a class(school/club can use).
-Name 5 different features of moodle. 1.Moodle Calendar 2.Messaging 3.Forum 4.File submission 5.File downloads
-If I say that moodle is under a GNU license, what do I mean? It means that Moodle has a copyleft liscense for software. It is free and a General Public License. This means that only administrators can edit the content on it but that everyone enrolled in the courses can use it.
-What is the difference between GNU and Unix. Unix has copyright and GNU doesn't but Unix doesn't cover as much software as GNU does.
-What is a general public license? It's acronym is GPL and it is a license that an open source software has and allows it and its source code to be copied, distributed and modified for free. It is usually used with GNU.
-How do you use moodle? I use moosdle as an extra tool in my learning. I use it whenever we have assignments posted there and also to study for tests since there are additional webpages and videos that help. I also use the calendar to stay organized.
-Assess Moodle, give it a rating. I think that moodle is a great tool to use in education. If I had to give it a rating it would probably be 8.5/10. It is excellent if you forget books or to remind you of assignments. Also, we don't need to carry heavy backpacks because of it. Even though sometimes there are problems with either enrolling students or that certain documents aren't always visible to everyone, it is definetly something I would recomend that every school get since it makes learning easier and more accessible.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Operating Systems

-What's an operating system? It is the most important program in a computer that allows the computer to run other programs. It obeys commands from the keyboard or mouse and desplays information on the screen. It also takes a large part in organizing files and it controlls peripheral devices. It is also responsible programs not inerfering with each other and the computer's security against viruses. For more information or other definitions on technological terms, webopedia is a very good site. Check it out here:

-What is the difference between an OS, an application and an app? an OS is short for operating system which unlike an application is the program that runs other. An application is installed into the OS and has a much simpler interaction with the computer than an OS. And an app is just an abbreviation for application.

-What are the main operating systems in the world? (With description)
Linux: it is based on Unix and can be installed on practically any device that can take an OS.It includes Linux kernel and a few popular distributions are Ubuntu and Fedora.
Windows: Specifically for personal computers (90% of the world's personal computers use it).
Chrome: Used in netbook and mobile devices and is built on the Linux kernel. Originates from the Google Chrome web Browser.
Firefox: Mostly used for mobile devices (cell phones or tablets) and mostly for accessing the web.It's based on the Linux operating system.
Mac: It has many versions (X, XLion, XLeopard, XSnowLeopard, XMountain Lion...). It supports development tecnologies like UNIX and Java. The latest Version is Mac OS X Mavericks. If you have a Mac you can update it to the latest operating system (Mac OS X Mavericks) here:

-Write a brief comparative report between Linux, Windows and Mac.
Both Mac and Linux are very good at preventing viruses but when you have a Windows it is recommended to have an antivirus program. Both Linux and Windows can be intalled on many different kinds of computers but on the other hand, Mac can only be installed on Apple computers, but in general, Mac works more efficiently and has less glitches (it is more reliable). When regarding price, Linux is the best since it is free and Mac is the most expensive of the three.Finally, when we look at compatibility, Windows is the best since it is what most people have.

-Why do you use the operating system that you use? (3 reasons)
The operating system I have always used is Windows. The first and main reason for this is because I find it very user friendly and not complicated at all to use. The second reason is that since it's the operating system that most people have, the programs on it are all similar and therefore there are less compatibility problems. The third and final reason I use it is because it is easy to install and download programs on it quickly.